The Seven Pomegranate Seed
Who wouldn't love a little bit of mythic fiction? Well, thanks to the fantastic retelling of the famous Euripides story of the seven Greek Heroines, you can enjoy the same thrill in Rose Theatre Kingston. The Seven Pomegranate Seeds is all set to entertain you with its enticing plot and modern-day twists...
Sounds impressive, right?
Retellings have always gathered quite a buzz when it comes to stage performances. The story of Persephone, Hypsipyle, Medea, Alcestis, Phaedra, Creusa, and Demeter, the Greek Goddesses of the ancient tragi-comedies, hits home. Colin Teevan's dramatic monologues from the point of view of what we call the modern-day Greek Goddess is what puts the play a notch higher. Keeping the story along the Euripedes' original, the themes of the stage performance are made entirely new and relatable.
Hence, satiate the urges of the nerd inside you and get the tickets real quick to sit back and enjoy later.
Euripides Retold
Colin Teevans has transposed all the seven ladies from the old tales to the modern women living as mother figures. Each of these ladies is shown as a pagan of virtues of one of the many faces of motherhood. What unites all seven of these stories within stories is the shared love for the children and the pain it takes to be a mother, irrespective of the actual relationship.
What makes it more interesting is the setting and the seven stones with strings tied to all of them. The direction and design are done by Melly Still. He covers all the shades of the emotions so beautifully, both on and off the stage. Actors like Shannon Hayes deserve a pat on the back for breathing lives to these wronged women transposed from the past to the present.
Book Your Tickets Soon
Retelling on stage is a difficult task to achieve on stage. If mythology is mixed with the contemporary world, it becomes complicated for the writer to bind all the elements. However, Colin Teevans has combined the elements and given us some barebone ideas to think over. The play runs for 80 minutes with an idea of womanhood explained and explored.
The finite run of the play will make the audience run for the tickets. If you, too, want to come and see the magic being recreated on stage and the womenfolk taking over the narrative, come soon and get your seats quickly. Select your seats and choose your partners to share the experience with. After that, all that is left is to hit the 'Book Now' button. And, there awaits your seat and an impactful evening.